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LGBTQ+ Allyship

Training and Resources

Welcome to your DRIEP hub for all things LGBTQ+ Allyship

This page formerly housed the landing page for our asynchronous LGBTQ+ Allyship and You training, but now we've transformed it into a hub for all things LGBTQ+ Allyship. On this page you'll find learning tools and resources, and suggestions for other amazing organizations and educators that can help you further your learning. Some of these items are available now, and others are coming soon! 
Thank you for your commitment to learning and for choosing DRIEP as your partner in allyship!



Check out our training opportunities by clicking here!

Or, keep scrolling to check out resources and free educational material! 

Resources and Free Learning Tools

Looking for something specific? Click in the images below to go directly to that topic area. If you want to check out everything that's available, just keep scrolling!
LGBTQ+ Identities
LGBTQ+ Identities (4)
LGBTQ+ Identities (3)
LGBTQ+ Identities (1)
LGBTQ+ Identities (6)
LGBTQ+ Identities (7)

The LGBTQ+ Community 

Understanding the LGBTQ+ Acronym

LGBT, LGBTQ+, LGBTQIA, LGBTQIA2S...You may have seen or heard the acronym represented in different ways. Let's take a brief moment to understand what exactly is in the acronym. It is used as an umbrella term to refer to an entire community of people who have varying sexualities, genders, and identities, but what falls under the umbrella?
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (2).png
Which of the terms in the acronym are you familiar with? Check out the PDF below to learn what each of these terms mean. We've included a few other terms that are part of the "+", and some others that are helpful to know! 
This video features people of varying sexualities and gender identities. 

Do you want to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community, the difference between sex and gender, and how to overcome bias? 
Check out our LGBTQ+ Allyship and You Training!
LGTQ+ Identities


What are pronouns, and why do they matter?

Pronouns are how we refer to a someone in the third person. Pronouns can be gendered words, with he/him typically used for men and boys, and she/her typically used for women and girls. But not everyone identifies with those categories of gender. 

Because we don't know someone's gender based solely on their name, appearance, or any other observable trait, if we assume their pronouns, we might be assuming wrong. This is why it is important to ask, and learn about pronouns that people who don't identify with binary categories use.
Below are links to two excellent resources which offer help on understanding and using pronouns. Check them out and share with others!

visibility matters

LGBTQ+ people have always existed. Terminology and social contexts change over time, but we have always been here. In the midst of constant attacks and attempts to invalidate and erase LGBTQ+ lives, we continue to exist. Learn about some of the many LGBTQ+ folks who paved the way for innovation in technology, medicine, social justice, politics, the arts, and more. 

Learn More About Pride

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Learn about the amazing LGBTQ+ Heroes of in the State of Texas and the Borderland! Check out our other website, where you can learn about these Heroes, purchase a deck of playing cards featuring these amazing people, a coloring book, stickers, and get access to downloadable activities!

LGBTQ+ people Exist in all spaces

Check out the website 500 Queer Scientists here!
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2023 was a legislative year for the state of Texas. There were over 130 anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced. Thankfully many of the bills did not make it all the way, however the bills that were signed into law have had negative impact on the community.

While the legislative session is over, the need to advocate is not. Please check out the advocacy guide below. This tool was created for the 2023 legislative session and can still offer valuable guidance. Many more resources coming soon!


Resources for Families

How can you support your loved ones? Check out the resources below to help you navigate challenges with coming out, accessing support, and more.

More coming soon!

Local Resources (El Paso area)

Borderland Rainbow Center-

Our mission is to create a community space in which lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex (LGBTQI) people and their allies can heal, grow, and empower themselves and others. This substance-free space is governed and run according to ethically sound standards and research-based best practices for (LGBTQI) people and their allies. The BRC connects LGBTQI people to resources for improved physical and mental health, economic stability, legal rights, education, spiritual and cultural enrichment. This community center provides therapy, support groups, a food pantry, education, advocacy, community events, and more. 


A peer case management program for transgender individuals in the border region; due to various factors, transgender individuals in our region tend to be isolated from their communities and forced to navigate the world alone, which can lead to lack of knowledge of local resources available.

The Purple Pages of El Paso 

A listing of local self-identified LGBTQ-friendly therapists, doctors, and social service providers.

PFLAG El Paso 

A local chapter of a national organization that encourages and supports LGBTQ folks and their families since 1973. Check their facebook for monthly support group meetings the the family of LGBTQ people on the west and east sides of El Paso.

The M Factor 

A grant funded organization that provides education, resources, and testing for HIV and STI's for men who have sex with men (MSM). They provide free social events and a safe space for young gay and bisexual men.

The Queer Student Alliance at UTEP

UTEP students band together to advance LGBTQ+ equality and pride through support, education, and action. We aim to dismantle social and institutional barriers to equality for all people.

The Queer Student Alliance at EPCC

EPCC students work together to educate and encourage acceptance and understanding about the issues related to the LGBTQ+ community within El Paso Community College.

The LGBT Initiatives at Texas Tech Health Sciences

Texas Tech Health Sciences' Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Global Health sponsors three lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) initiatives on campus. 

COVID-19 & You

The COVID-19 & You team is proud to share with you our report on the EXPERIENCES OF SEXUAL & GENDER DIVERSE TEXANS DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC. This report (download it) includes a summary of our survey results among 1300 LGBTQ+ Texans interviewed May - July 2020.


This work was possible through the collaboration of the COVID-19 & You Coalition consisting of Texas statewide organizations that serve LGBTQ+ communities. We thank Texas Pride Impact Funds (TPIF) for starting important conversations and making meaningful connections throughout the state and Borderland Rainbow Center (BRC) for representing El Paso in the coalition.


We also want to thank the UT Austin Pride Health Pop-Up Research Institute for funding the gift card raffle for those who took the survey.

El Paso Public Library - Career Online High School

The El Paso Public Library, in partnership with Gale/Cengage, offers adults the opportunity to earn an accredited high school diploma and career certificate online through Career Online High School (COHS).

EPPL and the City of El Paso are providing a limited number of free scholarships to qualified adult learners who are looking to advance their careers, prepare for workforce entry or continue their education.

Applicants who successfully complete an online self-assessment and a 2 week prerequisite course, followed by an in-person interview, will be considered for a free scholarship to attain their accredited high school diploma.

Once enrolled, COHS pairs each student with an academic coach, who provides the student with an individual career path, offers ongoing guidance, evaluates performance and connects the student with the resources needed to master the courses. Students will be given up to 18 months to complete the program.

To be considered for the program, applicants must:

  • Be age 19 or over

  • Reside in the City of County of El Paso

  • Have an El Paso Public Library card

  • Have access to a computer and Internet either at home or at a library nearest you

  • Be able to dedicate at least 8 hours per week to course study

To begin the online self-assessment & apply visit

To contact us or for more information, please email

National Resources

National Suicide Hotline:
English: 1–800–273–8255
Spanish: 1–888–628–9454

Trans Lifeline:
US: 1–877–565–8860
CANADA: 1–877–330–6366​

Staffed entirely by transgender people and dedicated to the transgender community.


Trevor Project:
US: (212) 695-8650

Reach someone online here

GLBT National Hotline:

GLBT National Youth Talk Hotline:
800-246-8860,  M-F 2pm-10pm Mountain time

SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline:
800-234-7423,  M-F 2pm-10pm Mountain time

Saturday 10-3pm Mountain time

BEAM - Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective

We are a collective of advocates, yoga teachers, artists, therapists, lawyers, religious leaders, teachers, psychologists and activists committed to the emotional/mental health and healing of Black communities.


National Coalition of Anti-Violence Project:

English and Spanish

National LGBT Education Center at the Fenway Institute:

This organizations provides educational programs, resources, and consultation to health care organizations with the goal of optimizing quality, cost-effective health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.

The Education Center is a part of The Fenway Institute, the research, training, and health policy division of Fenway Health, a Federally Qualified Health Center, and one of the world’s largest LGBT-focused health centers.


• Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) 

• GSA Network 

• LGBTQ Student Resources & Support 

• Point Foundatio

• Safe Schools Coalition 

• The Trevor Project 



• The American Military Partner Association (AMDA) 

• American Veterans for Equal Rights 

• OutServe-Service Members Legal Defense Network 

• Palm Center 

• Transgender American Veterans Association 

• Veterans for Human Rights 



• National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) 

• Sylvia Rivera Law Project 

• Transgender Law Center 

• Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund 



• National Resource Center for LGBT Aging 

• Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE) 



• American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 

• Lambda Legal 

• The LGBT Bar 

• National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)



• Anti-Violence Project 

• CenterLink 



• Matthew Shepard Foundation 

• Movement Advancement Project 

• Out & Equal 

• Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) • Straight for Equality 

• The Williams Institute

Much More Coming Soon!

Resources for Families

Resources for Leaders, providers, and educators

Ensuring that the space you work, collaborate, and serve others within is inclusive and affirming is an important responsibility. CHeck out some of the resources available below. 

More coming soon!

K-12 Resources

Starting a GSA at Your School

Genders & Sexualities Alliances, or GSAs for short, are student-run organizations that unite LGBTQ+ and allied youth to build community and organize around issues impacting them in their schools and communities. GSAs have evolved beyond their traditional role to serve as safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth in middle schools and high schools, and have emerged as vehicles for deep social change related to racial, gender, and educational justice.

A growing body of research confirms that the presence of a GSA has a positive and lasting effect on student health, wellness, and academic performance. It can also protect students from harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and improve school climates for all students in the long-term.

Here are two resources to help you learn more and start a GSA on your campus.

Texas GSA Network Toolkit

GLSEN Support for GSAs

LGBTQ Youth & Schools Resource Library
There's a lot of information about schools issues for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth both on the ACLU's website and elsewhere on the web, but sometimes it can be difficult to find your way to the resources you need online. We've gathered some of the best information we have plus great stuff from other organizations and websites on this page to help you find things that can help you learn more about your rights and what you can do to make your school a safer, more welcoming place.


This organization is a major national force for improving the educational experiences of LGBTQ students in the K-12 system.  They have a robust menu of resources for teachers, students, and school professionals.  Not only do they develop age-appropriate materials for use in schools, they perform extensive original research underlying their policy and activity recommendations, work with policy makers, and advocate for LGBTQ kids nationally.

Transgender Student's Rights

An easy-to-navigate website that gathers together resources for transgender youth in Texas schools. The site includes a contact form that will connect you with the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) in Texas if you need legal assistance. Co-sponsored by the ACLU, Equality Texas, Lambda Legal, and the Transgender Education Network of Texas.

Protective Transgender Kids: Resources for Teachers-

This document provides a very descriptive list of resources which can help teachers learn, advocate for, and support their transgender and non-binary students. 

Free to Be Me: A Toolkit to Protect Trans Kids' Rights

A wonderful resource guide about how to protect the rights of transgender kids in Texas K-12 schools.

Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation and Youth

A publication offered by the American Psychological Association for principals,educators, and school personnel.

Mental Health and Helplines

National Suicide Hotline:
English: 1–800–273–8255
Spanish: 1–888–628–9454

Trans Lifeline:
US: 1–877–565–8860
CANADA: 1–877–330–6366​

Staffed entirely by transgender people and dedicated to the transgender community.


Trevor Project:
US: (212) 695-8650

Reach someone online here

GLBT National Hotline:

GLBT National Youth Talk Hotline:
800-246-8860,  M-F 2pm-10pm Mountain time

SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline:
800-234-7423,  M-F 2pm-10pm Mountain time

Saturday 10-3pm Mountain time

BEAM - Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective

We are a collective of advocates, yoga teachers, artists, therapists, lawyers, religious leaders, teachers, psychologists and activists committed to the emotional/mental health and healing of Black communities.


National Coalition of Anti-Violence Project:

English and Spanish

More Resources for Providers

National LGBT Education Center at the Fenway Institute:

This organizations provides educational programs, resources, and consultation to health care organizations with the goal of optimizing quality, cost-effective health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.

The Education Center is a part of The Fenway Institute, the research, training, and health policy division of Fenway Health, a Federally Qualified Health Center, and one of the world’s largest LGBT-focused health centers.

Drug Addiction and Abuse in the LGBTQ Community 

Discusses why so many LGBTQ individuals abuse drugs and gives a list of helpful resources. 

Looking at the Landscape of LGBTQ and Gay-Friendly Rehabs 

Provides statistics on LGBTQ populations & addiction, where to find an LGBTQ-friendly rehab center and a substance abuse self-assessment. 

Your Guide to LGBTQIAPK Addiction Treatment 

Gives information on what LGBTQIAPK means, substance abuse & addiction statistics and LGBTQIAPK addiction treatment. 


Resources by Category


• Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) 

• GSA Network 

• LGBTQ Student Resources & Support 

• Point Foundation 

• Safe Schools Coalition 

• The Trevor Project 


• The American Military Partner Association (AMDA) 

• American Veterans for Equal Rights 

• OutServe-Service Members Legal Defense Network 

• Palm Center 

• Transgender American Veterans Association 

• Veterans for Human Rights 


• National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) 

• Sylvia Rivera Law Project 

• Transgender Law Center 

• Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund 


• National Resource Center for LGBT Aging 

• Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE) 


• American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 

• Lambda Legal 

• The LGBT Bar 

• National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)


• Anti-Violence Project 

• CenterLink 



• Matthew Shepard Foundation 

• Movement Advancement Project 

• Out & Equal 

• Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) • Straight for Equality 

• The Williams Institute

Much More Coming Soon!

Resources Leades Providers Educators
The Borderland Rainbow Center under sponsor number 7798 has been approved by the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners to offer continuing education contact hours to social workers. 
​Borderland Rainbow Center, Education Training Program Diversity and Resiliency Institute of El Paso is a TEA pre- approved continuing professional education (CPE) provider for the State of Texas.

If you hold a license in another State or discipline, it is not guaranteed that our content will meet your requirements.  We recommend that you check with your licensing body for any requirements and allowances.
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