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Racial Inequalities in Healthcare Part 1

  • 45 Days
  • 44 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


We are often unaware of the history behind our perceptions of each other that are both conscious and unconscious thoughts. Many of these ideas and preconceptions are informal knowledge that originate from white supremacist ideology. White supremacist ideology has gone through a long historical process many people are not aware of. These ideas have a strong influence on how we think about healthcare, disease, and each other. Part 1 of Racial Inequalities in Healthcare will focus on uncovering important historical context and narratives which created conditions for, and justified medical abuse based on race. This course will discuss specific examples of this abuse, and will call on participants to reflect on the pervasive impact of this history and narratives. Objectives: • Discuss history and narratives surrounding race and the impact on how people of color are perceived • Identify and analyze specific incidents of medical exploitation and abuse of people of color • Discuss the modern-day implications for health care disparities and perception of pain • Learn about the eugenics movement and the use of forced sterilization as a form of cultural erasure and as a method to control the population of people of color This training runs 4 hours and 30 minutes. Trigger Warning- This course discusses abuse and sexual assault. Presented by: Diana Martinez, MA


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